Well folks, you’ll soon see a baked Appel.
-George Appel, as he was being strapped into the electric chair in 1952 (Quoted in “Witticisms of 7 condemned criminals” on page 87 in “The Book of Lists #3” by Amy Wallace, David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace)
Nothing will happen until I get there.
-Guy Clark (1832) on the way to gallows to the sheriff, when he asked him to speed up the pace (Quoted in “Witticisms of 7 condemned criminals” on page 87 in “The Book of Lists #3” by Amy Wallace, David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace)
You work in forensics and you don't know what FUBAR means????
-Contributed by James (Jamie) Crippin , Colorado Bureau of Inv., 3416 N Elizabeth St., Pueblo, CO 81008. Phone: 719-542-1133
(N.B. Anyone, who wants to know more about this interesting quote, or wants to know what FUBAR means, may want to get with touch with Mr. Crippin himself. He can be contacted by clicking on his name)
When in doubt, think dirty. You’ll be right ninety percent of the time.
-An old pathologist to Dr. William R. Maples
(N.B. Dr. William R. Maples gives this quote in his book “Dead Men do tell tales” at page 11. Dr. Maples goes on to say, that it was good advice and that he put it to good use on many occasions.)
Better save that. We'll need it for the autopsy.
-A surgeons’ conversation overheard during a life saving surgery - sent by Dr. Vivek Jain, MD (Skin & VD)
Forensic medicine in most of the countries is some kind of an unwanted Cinderella.
-Dr. Peter Kovac, Institute of Forensic Medicine, Comenius University, Bratislava, Sasinkova 4, 81103 Slovakia (In an informal E-mail sent to this webmaster on 23 November 2000)
To treat is human, to dissect divine.
-This is the answer I frequently give to people who ask me why I left a lucrative career in medicine (way back in 1979) to take up forensic pathology
Those who can, dissect; those who can’t, dissent.
-Another perfectly valid answer to the same question, although I don’t remember having said this to anyone
Incise the abdomen and conceal the jewel.
-An old Chinese Proverb (Quoted in “Forensic Science”, 2(1973) 191-199 at page 191)
Makes such a wound the knife is lost in it.
-Shelley (Cited in "Recent Advances in Forensic Pathology" edited by Francis E. Camps, J.& A. Churchill Ltd., 1969, on page 101, in Chapter 6 entitled "The interpretation of wounds (Penetrating)")